Tasting the bitterness of love is a most miserable phobia in life

Wajiha Khan
3 min readJan 6, 2022

Love demands countless compromises and sacrifices, and it is a continuity of suffering from the bitter and sweet tastes of affections

How can it say that Love is bitter as it always remains a reason for happiness? The answer should be expected from those who have been engulfed in this beautiful. But when the suffering feeling gets involved it also depicts the bitter side as well. It is always a natural myth that every aspect of life includes both negative and positive sides.

The positive side of love always shows the sweetness of this charming feeling but when life starts the journey of suffering from the side effects of this feeling it shows the bitter consequences. In this situation, only that person can understand and tolerate these effects who have deep affection and concern and respect this feeling.

Love is the biggest exam of life, especially for those who are engaged in this beautiful feeling. These feelings drag the person to that extinct and involve him or her so deeply in this blind but heartful situation that person never want to see the bitterness although a person already tasting the bitter truth of love. When the life of a person becomes miserable in love, then the person starts to cry and keeps sad in the loneliness. But they still enjoy this bitterness to make not…



Wajiha Khan

computer scientist and passionate content writer and analyze the life and want to express the life and world in words