Motivation for the new resolution is a comfortable way to achieve goals

To achieve the aims in life especially in the coming year motivation is a vital tool to help persons to accomplish their goals.

Wajiha Khan
3 min readDec 29, 2021

New Year sensation itself is a motivating term and urges people to think about the coming New Year goals. The very common and unique and practical way to achieve goals is motivation. Motivation gives the enthusiastic feeling and it internally compels the person to work on the aim. It prepares the mind and sorts the way of thinking on how we can achieve the goals when we feel the motivation sensation.

Motivation gives the sense and way. It tells how can goals be achieved. Without motivation, it is impossible to come closer to the goals. Motivation is the inner power and it prepares the mind and bucks up the person to make the way towards attaining their aims. The other level of encouragement has been created when the motivation factor is involved in the planning and deciding about the aims.

As the New year is the ending, many desires remain incomplete. Many people may not be able to gain their aims. New Year’s resolution is the right time to make decisions and plans to initiate as it depicts the start of new thoughts, ideas. The New year is the beginning of somehow…



Wajiha Khan

computer scientist and passionate content writer and analyze the life and want to express the life and world in words